Friday 7 February 2014


Hello you wonderful people, you are maybe here to find out more about cannabis and why i have chosen to base my site on the herb, gaja :). well it is because i want to show you how beneficial the herb can be. Now there are people out there who still live in the dark ages and this cannabis is bad but let me reassure you it is not. now millions of people have been wrongfully imprisoned for growing there own home cannabis, now don't get me wrong thats all fine but when criminals grow it to fund buying guns and crimes well that's not on so let me do a little tutorial on how you come about your weed with pictures :).
So say hello to MR weed dealer now he is a happy go lucky guy and he has this dank bud farm here check it out he allowed me to show his farm
So this is Mr weed dealers farm now its pretty big but he needs to sell to customers now there not like your typical junki looking mofo's right, this are what his customers look like :)
now you tell me if they look like cocaine addicts ?, meth addicts or other uses of certain drugs ?....Nope they are just like you and myself and buying weed is as normal as going to the shop these days and with it becoming more and more legal it will always be this way :) now look at how these people look while high
now take a look at how happy he is on weed, now you don't see him killing people, hurting children. Since the early 70s people have saw weed as a bad thing but look at what it can help these days 1. Shrink Cancer Cells 2. Back pain 3. Atheritous 4. seziers now that there is a tiny list of what it can help with, it has so many beneficial properties. so take a another look on weed and try it to understand see and what a lot of people see, now me myself when im high i enjoy relaxing but come the next morning i get up and go work all day and i have the best day ever :), also Cannabis on its own is not addictive due to having no addictive chemicals in it, only when you smoke with Tobacco does it become addictive :) so Toke up enjoy and love life and people :)

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